YCE (Youth Camp Exchange)来日生歓迎例会 

グランドパレス諫早において 歓迎例会を行いました。 337ーC地区ガバナーをはじめ第2副地区ガバナーや地区YCE委員長及び地区YCE委員・3ZZCの皆様をお招きし CHUA BRIEL LE WENさんの歓迎例会を行いました。


A welcome meeting was held at Grand Palace Isahaya. He held a welcome meeting for CHUA BRIEL LE WEN, inviting the District Governor 337-C, the 2nd Vice District Governor, the District YCE Committee Chair, and the District YCE Committee Members and 3ZZC members.

Studying Japanese and interacting with people of the same generation at Soseikan High School. We also offer opportunities for you to participate in various sightseeing spots and events to experience Japanese culture and history. Please make wonderful memories in Japan. We hope that your stay in Isahaya will be meaningful.

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